Password Resetter

The easiest and safest way to reset your forgotten Windows password.

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Password Resetter offers you the easiest and safest way to reset your forgotten Windows password. Password Resetter recovers 99,9% of passwords from nearly any Windows installation in a matter of seconds!

You do not need to remember old passwords in order to crack your Windows password. You do not have to install Password Resetter on your locked PC making it a safe alternative to many other password remover tools.

This program received 2 awards
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Password Resetter
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Norman Brown 8 years ago

Trying to get into an old Win 2000 Pro PC which belonged to my partner who has died. I want to remove memories etc before dumping the machine but don't remember her password. Free trial version seemed to work fine - found users etc but had to pay to get the version that would let me reset. Paid version returns blank window - nothing found. No response to emails for help.